وصف الكنز
- مكان الحفظ: 270 B.C.
- الاكتشاف: 1910
- تقسيم و ترتيب القطع: J. G. Ford 15 (now London cf. NC 1919, p. 2); remainder (except Velia) A. J. Evans (now SNGLloyd 395, SNGOxford 729, 734, 737, 754-6, 764, 768, 772, 774-8, 780-92); New York 7 (SNG2, 507-12, 517)
- التوصيف: Stater: 87+
مكان اكتشاف القطعة
- التوصيف: Metaponto, Lucania
- Falls Within: Metaponto (Italy)
- Ancient Place: Metapontum
- الطراز: inhabited places
- مرجع: Evans, NC 1918, pp. 133-54, illus.
- مرجع: Sambon, Miscellanea Num. 1921, p. 33 with drawing of one coin
- مرجع: Vlasto, NC 1930, p. 110, for provenance
- مرجع: Stazio, AIIN 1965-7, pp. 48, 52-3
- ملاحظات: Sambon provides an indifferent drawing of a previously unknown type of Metapontum, the same coin illustrated by Evans on pl. 5, 4. This link, as well as the similarity of contents and dates of discovery, makes it clear that the hd. described briefly by Sambon (Noe 128) is the same as that later and more fully published by Evans (N. 897)