Descripción del tesoro
- Depósito: 320 B.C.-310 B.C.
- Descubierto: 1915-1916
- Disposición: Syracuse 145 as above
- Descripción: Tetradracma: 1
- Descripción: Cesarò, 40 km. NW of Aderno
- Falls Within: Cesarò (Italy)
- Tipo: inhabited places
Referencia descriptiva
- Referencia: Cesano, StudNum. (1940), p. 63
- Referencia: Jenkins, ANSCent., p. 376
- Referencia: Currò Pisanò, AIIN 1962-4, pp. 224, 237
- Nota: Cesano states that the Syracuse lot represents about half the total hd., but Currò Pisanò (p. 237) gives the original total as 176 (that of Noe 977)
- Nota: Jenkins equates the Cesarò 1916 hd. of Cesano with Noe's 167 (Bronte 1915); lie does not, however, take the further step of equating these two with Noe 977 (Sicily 1916). The hd. may originally have contained, in addition to the above, a tetradr. of Messana (Noe 167), 1 decadr. and 14 tetradr. of Syracuse, and 1 tetradr. of Leontini (Noe 977)
- Nota: The two Pegasi of Argos (shield) and Thyrrheium (ear-ring) included in this hd. at Syracuse must be intrusive; though both are later issues than any other pegasi in the hd., both are far more worn than the other pegasi