opis skarbu
- depozyt: 330 B.C.-300 B.C.
- odkrycie: 1919
- rozmieszczenie: Vlasto 5 (Cat. 303, 451, 453, 462, 664); Lloyd 1 (SNG 370); Ratto, Jan. 28, 1929 (Côte), 162 (= Vlasto 451), 163 (= Vlasto 453), 199 (= NC 1926, pl. 11, 20), 285 (= Vlasto 664)
- opis: Stater: 22, Distater: 1
miejsce znalezienia
- opis: Taranto
- Falls Within: Taranto (Italy)
- Ancient Place: Taras/Tarentum/Neptunia
- typ: inhabited places
- odsyłacz: Vlasto, NC 1926, pp. 198-9, 203-4, illus.
- odsyłacz: Stazio, AIIN 1965-7, p. 55
- uwaga: Letter from Vlasto in ANS
- uwaga: The contents of the hd., changed from Noe 1055, are based on Vlasto's article and a rereading of his letter. This letter describes 8 Tarentine staters (the 6 under Contents, Vlasto 664, and Ratto 199); a 9th is described in NC 1926 (pl. 11, 19); and the first four coins above from Viasto's catalog are also there ascribed to this hd. The source of Noe's figure of 27 for the Tarentine coins is unknown, as is the evidence for his inclusion of Sybaris and Croton