Descrierea tezaurului
- Depozit: 375 B.C.-360 B.C.
- Descoperire: 1908
- Dispunere: Vlasto 9 (Cat. 243 [= J. Hirsch Nov. 9, 1910, 19], 280, 292, 350, 375, 380 [= J. Hirsch Nov. 9, 1910, 25], 413-5); New York 19-21 (1 Taras: ,SNG 860; 3 Thurium: SNG 992, 1035, 1043; 1 Corcyra?; 6-7 Corinth: R. 301, 306?, 309, 346, 370, as 972, 974; 6-7 Leucas: BMC 31 [= J. Hirsch May 23, 1910, 524]?, 33, 35, 38, 39, 42 [2]; 2 Ambracia: R. 52, 95
- Descriere: Stater: 106+
Loc de descoperire
- Descriere: Ionian Shore, Bruttium
- Falls Within: Province of Brindisi (Italy)
- Tip: second level subdivisions (political entities)
- Referinţă: Vlasto, NNM 15 (1922), pp. 204-5
- Referinţă: Kraay, ANSMN 16 (1970), pp. 23-30 (for details of Pegasi)
- Observaţie: The Vlasto Cat. records the above coins as from the Taranto 1908 hd. (Noe 1051 = no. 2000); that hd., however, contained nothing but Taras, Per. VIII. Nos. 413-5 are recorded as from "the 1908 Taranto find (Ionian Shore find). Noe 1051." It is evident that there is a confusion between two finds made in the same year, but concealed at very different dates
- Observaţie: In his copy of J. Hirsch May 23, 1910 Evans noted "Hirsch Find" against Thurium nos. 281, 285-91, 294, 296 and Corcyra no. 496