Descripción del tesoro
- Depósito: 70 B.C.-30 B.C.
- Descubierto: 1897
- Disposición: dispersed
- Descripción: Tetradracma: 51
- Descripción: Egypt
- Falls Within: Egypt
- Ancient Place: Ancient Egypt (region)
- Tipo: countries (sovereign states)
Referencia descriptiva
- Referencia: Dutilh, JIAN 1898, pp. 148-56 (details of Side specimens, dates only of Ptolemaic; latter could presumably be of the series attributed by Regling to Ptolemy XII second reign and Cleopatra VII)
- Referencia: Mowat, CorNum, p. 189
- Nota: Find-spot given by Noe as Semenood, but this is not confirmed by the sources