Define Tanımı
- Depolama: 168 B.C.
- Keşif: 1961
- Tahsis: dispersed. Münz. u. Med. Nov. 17, 1962, 444 and F.P.L. May, 1962, 12. Cf. Kress Oct. 4, 1962, 116
- Tanım: Tetradrachm: 133+
Buluntu Yeri
- Tanım: Tricca (Trikkala) environs, Thessaly
- Falls Within: Trikala (Greece)
- Ancient Place: Trikka
- Tip: inhabited places
- Referans: Varoucha, BCH 1962, p. 422, no. 9 (in all probability part of this hd.)
- Referans: Thompson, ANSMN 11 (1964), pp. 77-80, illus.