Define Tanımı
- Depolama: 200 B.C.-180 B.C.
- Keşif: 1923
- Tahsis: Athens 2 (Euboean didr. ex Empedocles); New York 1 (Euboean didr.)
- Tanım: Didrahmi: 75, Drahmi: 39, Tetradrachm: 10, Tetrobol: 1, Triobol: 1
Buluntu Yeri
- Tanım: Koskina, Euboea
- Falls Within: Kóskina (Greece)
- Tip: inhabited places
- Referans: Varoucha, Epitymbion Christou Tsounta (Athens, 1941), pp. 672-4
- Referans: Wallace, Essays Robinson, p. 204
- Not: The hd. is reported also to have contained dr. of Tenos and a tetradr. of Ptolemy I