kincslelet Leírás
- Letét: 475 B.C.-470 B.C.
- Felfedezés: 1910
- Elhelyezés: Syracuse 273 as listed
- Leírás: Didrachm: 178, Tetradrachm: 86, Drachma: 9
- Leírás: Monte Bubbonia, 25 km. N of Gela
- Falls Within: Mazzarino (Italy)
- Ancient Place: Pan(h)ormus
- típus: inhabited places
- Referencia: Orsi, NSc 1912, pp. 454-5
- Referencia: Currò Pisanò, AIIN 1962-4, pp. 223, 237 (listed as 1910 = Caltagirone)
- Referencia: Jenkins, Gela, pp. 22-4, 154
- Jegyzet: This hd. has previously been named either Caltagirone or Mazzarino; for Monte Bubbonia as the find-spot, see Jenkins, p. 154
- Jegyzet: The date of burial should perhaps be lowered to c. 465 B.C. or after; the Syracusan series terminates at about the same point as that of no. 2076 below, for which a date of burial at least some years after 470 B.C. is required by the latest issues of Himera included therein