Descrizione del ripostiglio
- Deposito: 250 B.C.-200 B.C.
- Scoperta: 1954-1954
- Deposizione: M. Wallace, Toronto
- Descrizione: Dracma: 34, Tetrobol: 1
Luogo di rinvenimento
- Descrizione: Greece, central
- Falls Within: Central Greece (Greece)
- Ancient Place: Hellas
- Tipo: first level subdivisions (political entities)
- Riferimento: Wallace, NNM 134 (1956), pp. 54-6, nos. 8-10
- Nota: The three lots are entered separately in the publication. They are here combined, not necessarily as parts of a single hd., rather because of the similarity of contents, and because in all cases the exact place and date of finding are unknown